The Importance of Family Time for Working Women

A message to women to balance work and family life effectively while prioritizing caregiving roles.

Mar 9, 2025 - 13:45
The Importance of Family Time for Working Women

A Message to Working Women and Job Seekers
Sunday, March 09, 2025

In today’s world, being a worker is not restricted to those with formal employment, waiting for the last paycheck of the month. Many people are self-employed, carrying out various tasks that help support themselves and their families.

In the past, this group was smaller, and the major responsibility for family upkeep was traditionally placed on the father, who went out to earn a living while the mother stayed home to look after the children and ensure the household ran smoothly. This division of duties was largely how family roles were structured.

Things have changed today, and it has become very common to see both parents working. As a result, they are forced to leave the home and delegate some of their responsibilities to others.

This delegation of duties is where I want to focus my discussion, based on insights I gained while attending a Women’s Day conference organized by the Workers' Union of Higher Education Institutions (THTU) at Ardhi University.

Unlike most women’s conferences I’ve attended, I can confidently say that every woman who attended this event left with more than they came in with, especially in terms of self-reflection.

The reason for this difference is that it wasn’t just a space for showcasing stylish clothes, makeup, or who looked the best. Instead, it served as a platform for reminding women of their roles and significance within the family structure.

Bupe Mwabenga, the keynote speaker, reminded women to separate work time from personal life, which includes family time. However, she made it clear that this does not mean women should not work, but rather that they must understand that the foundational role of nurturing and caregiving in a family belongs to the mother.

It’s understandable that as a mother, you may spend a great deal of your time working because you are the one providing for the family’s essential needs. But that should never be an excuse to neglect your role as a wife or mother.

Bupe, a professional psychologist, pointed out that some women, due to their work commitments, struggle to balance their job and family life.

"You’ll find a woman working until midnight, then spending an hour or two stuck in traffic on her way home. Once she gets home, she heads straight to the bedroom and continues working on her laptop. It’s not that work is wrong, but it’s essential to know when to separate your work time from family time. You might provide everything material for your children, but if you don’t spend quality time with them, it’s all in vain. You could work tirelessly to make money and not enjoy it because, in the process, you’re distancing yourself from those who matter most," Bupe said.

These words have stuck with me since that conference, and I’m sure they resonated with every woman who listened intently and grasped the depth of what Bupe was conveying.

In our current fast-paced world, many of us spend an excessive amount of time working, forgetting that there are those who miss our presence—particularly our children. They may need us more than we realize, but often lack the ability to express it. And when they do try to speak up, they’re often met with unsatisfactory responses.

I carry this message with me and feel compelled to share it with other women—especially those who are hardworking and striving for their families. While it is admirable to work for the betterment of your family, we must also learn to set boundaries between work and family time.

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mwaso Mwaso is an accredited journalist and the current affairs editor at With a solid academic foundation, he holds a degree in Communication and Journalism. Mwaso has established himself as a dedicated and insightful professional, bringing his expertise to the world of journalism through engaging, thought-provoking coverage of current events. His work continues to contribute significantly to the media landscape, offering timely and impactful analysis across various topics.