WCED Grade 3 Assessments – Western Cape Education Department (WCED)

MoPawa.com brings you information about WCED Grade 3 Assessments – Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in South Africa.

Make sure that you read the whole guide because we have taken into account all information on WCED Grade 3 Assessments – Western Cape Education Department (WCED) for the best tips for you! You don’t have to wait. Keep visiting this page and you’ll get latest information about WCED Grade 3 Assessments – Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Updates.


The Western Cape Education Department

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is responsible for early childhood development, primary and secondary school education in the province. Our primary objectives are to improve the language and mathematics skills of learners; to improve matric results; and improve access to quality education in poor communities.

The WCED plans and manages education via four branches, namely:

  • Education Planning
  • Curriculum and Assessment Management
  • Institution Development and Coordination
  • Corporate Services

Education Planning provides research, policy coordination, planning and resource support, centralized information management and quality assurance.

Curriculum and Assessment Management is responsible for curriculum development, support and coordination for general and further education and training, as well as the growing functions of assessment and examinations and in-service teacher training.

Check WCED Grade 3 Assessments – Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in South Africa.

The WCED Eportal official website is –  https://wcedeportal.co.za/

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) official website is –  https://www.westerncape.gov.za/



 Street Address:

1 North Wharf Square, 2 Lower Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001

Postal Address:

Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000

  1. General Enquiries
    0861 819 919

    Call Centres:
    Employment and salary enquiries: 0861 819 919
    Safe Schools: 0800 45 46 47

  2. Personal Assistant
    021 467 9280

    PA: Noleen Nefdt

  3. Head of Department
    021 467 2536

    Head of Department: Brent Walters

  4. Head of Office
    021 467 2534

    Head of Office: Lucinda Boniface

  5. Communications
    021 467 2531 | 32

    Head of Communication: Bronagh Hammond



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