5 ways to Check your Matric Results

Matric result 2024 in South Africa.

Want to know about Matric result 2024 in South Africa? Make sure that you read the whole guide because we have taken into account all information on Matric result 2024 for the best tips for you! Matric result 2024 details are available on this page. You don’t have to wait . Keep visiting this page and you’ll get latest information about Matric result 2024 Updates in South Africa.

The Matric class of 2024 in South Africa has reached a pivotal moment as they await their results. This year, accessing Matric results has been revolutionized with digital technology, offering various convenient methods to check the results online. Here’s what you need to know about the release of the Matric results 2024  and the subsequent steps available for students.

The Release of Matric Results 2024

Official Announcement and Access

  • Date of Announcement: Basic Education Minister Mrs. Angie Motshekga will officially announce the Matric results on January 18th.
  • Access to Results: Students will start receiving their results from 06:00 am on January 19th.
  • Data Accuracy and System Preparedness: The delay between the announcement and access to results ensures accurate data upload and system readiness for the high online traffic expected.

Access Your Matric Results 2024 Online in 4 Easy Ways

1. The Department of Basic Education Website

  • Visit the official website: Go to the Matric Results page.
  • Enter Examination Number: Ensure accuracy to maintain the confidentiality and security of your results.
  • Instant Access: View your Matric Results 2024 promptly upon entering your details.

2. The SMS Option

  • Send an SMS: Address it to 45856 with your exam and ID number.
  • Charges Apply: R1.50 per SMS.
  • Receive Results Directly: On your mobile device after verification.

3. The USSD Option

  • Dial the USSD Code: *120* 45856#.
  • Follow Prompts to Register: Enter your exam number accurately.
  • Service Charge: R1.50 per minute.
  • Results Sent to Mobile Device: Once available.

4. The MatricsMate App

  • Download the App: Available on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • Register and Verify Account: Use the confirmation code sent to your email.
  • Log In and Access Results: Navigate to the “Results” icon and enter your exam number.

Options for Learners with Unsatisfactory Results

Re-Marking and Supplementary Exams

  • Re-Marking: Apply for a re-mark of your scripts if you believe there were grading errors.
  • Supplementary Exams: Improve your results by taking exams in specific subjects again.

Vocational Training

  • Explore practical, hands-on learning experiences in various fields.

Re-Marking and Re-Checking Procedures

Steps to Follow

  1. Register on e-Gov Portal: Create an account for access to educational services.
  2. Log In and Select Service: Choose “e-Re-Mark/ Re-Check”.
  3. Specify Subjects: For re-marking or re-checking.
  4. Submit Request and Await Updates: Regular updates will be sent via email.

Important Dates and Fees

  • Application Deadline: February 2, 2024.
  • Results for Re-Marking: Released from March 15, 2024.
  • Fees: R120 for Re-Mark, R29 for Re-Check, R234 for Viewing Script.
  • Fee Waivers: Available for full-time learners at no-fee schools.

Ensuring Accuracy in Your Matric Results

Queries and Corrections Process

  • Contact the Department of Basic Education: For any mismatches or corrections.
  • Timeline for Submission: Within 30 days post-results release.
  • Report Corrections Before: February 21, 2024.



What’s next?

We congratulate all successful matriculants! If you were unsuccessful, however, there are many options you can consider.

Here are some frequently asked questions to help you take the next step, whether you’ve passed or not:

What are Bachelor’s, Diploma and Certificate passes?

A Bachelor’s Pass means you can apply for a degree course at a university or university of technology and may study for a higher certificate, diploma or bachelor’s degree.

To achieve a  Bachelor’s pass, you must:

  • Pass 6 of the 7 subjects offered.
  • Of which 4 Subjects must be at least a 50% (level 4) achievement.
  • Including Home Language 40% Compulsory Pass /excluding Life Orientation.
  • 30% Pass in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT).
  • The Department of Basic Education has revoked the list of designated subjects with effect from September 2018.
  • The minimum admission requirements for a Bachelor’s degree programme remain the same, namely, a NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the Higher Education Institution (HEI), coupled with an achievements rating of 4 (50-59%) or better in any four (4) NSC subject except Life Orientation.

A Diploma Pass requires 40% in 4 higher credit subjects, 30% in 3 lower credit subjects, and you may fail 1 subject. With this pass, you can enroll for a bridging course at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a diploma course at a university of technology.

To receive a Diploma Pass, a student must:

  • Pass 6 of the 7 subjects offered.
  • Of which 4 Subjects must be at least a 40% (level 3) achievement
  • Subjects include Home Language at 40% Compulsory Pass /excluding Life Orientation
  • 30% Pass in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT)

A Certificate Pass requires a 40% pass in your home language, 2 subjects above 40%, 4 subjects above 30% and you may fail 1 subject. This pass allows you to study for a Higher Certificate.

I was unsuccessful, what do I do now?

If you need support, we provide counseling and support on our toll-free line 0800 45 46 47. You could also consider rewriting your exam. This is known as the supplementary exam. You qualify to rewrite if you’ve failed 2 or more subjects.

Only candidates who were registered for and wrote the November 2019 NSC examination may apply to write a supplementary exam.

2019 Grade 12 learners may register to write the examination if:

  • they failed to meet the requirements in the November examination;
  • they passed but seek to improve their performance; or
  • they were absent from the writing of one or more question papers due to ill-health or other unforeseen circumstances.

Application forms will be available at schools offering the NSC, district offices, the

WCED Examination Client Service Centre at Grand Central and on the WCED website.

The closing date for NSC May/June 2021 supplementary examination applications is 31 January 2021.

Any inquiries related to the NSC supplementary examination can be forwarded to [email protected].

What if I want to have my papers remarked?

To have your paper remarked, you would need to have failed 1 or more subjects in the National Senior Certificate/ABET Level 4 Examinations. However, if you passed, you may qualify after writing a letter of motivation. The WCED provides more guidelines here.

Applications for remarking or rechecking close on the 22 January 2021. No late applications will be accepted and the applications MUST be done online at www.eservices.gov.za

The cost for remarking is R112 per subject, re-checking is R27 per subject, and viewing of scripts (only after re-marking and re-checking) is R219.

Once you have received your results, AFTER re-checking and re-marking, you may apply to view your answer script.
Apply to view your answer scripts at [email protected] with proof of payment.

I want to further my studies, where can I apply?

There are several globally recognized and accredited universities, universities of technology and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in the Western Cape. Depending on the type of pass you achieved, you can apply at the following institutions:

Where can I get financial assistance for higher education?

Many private institutions are offering financial support. For bursaries offered by the Western Cape Government, you can visit our bursaries page for more information.



In this article, we are providing information about Matric result 2024. Matric result 2024 details are also now available here. This is one of the best articles to know better information. So, refer bonce in this article and Don’t forget to share this article with our friends.