PDF List of Newly Employed Doctors by TAMISEMI

TAMISEMI: Majina ya waliopata Ajira Kada ya Afya 2021 (TAMISEMI Names Of New Employed Health Sector Servants 2024/2025, majina ya walioajiriwa afya 2021| TAMISEMI Health sector) | List of Newly Employed Doctors by TAMISEMI.

In this article, we are providing information about List of Newly Employed Doctors by TAMISEMI. List of Newly Employed Doctors details are also now available here. This is one of the best articles to know better information. So, refer bonce in this article and Don’t forget to share this article with our friends.



TAMISEMI – President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG)

TAMISEMI Orodha Ya Madaktari Ajira Mpya 2021: The role of the Ministry is to coordinate and supervise regional development management and administration. Thus, the ministry coordinates rural and urban development management policy and strategies; coordinates Regional Secretariats activities and builds their capacity in institutional development strategies for integrated socioeconomic development and financial development of Local Government Authorities.


The Ministry also coordinates and supervises development planning and sectoral interventions on donor supported programmes at district and other locals levels; issues ministerial guidelines to Regional Secretariats and Local Government Authorities; and strengthen the channel of communication and information flow between the national and sub-national levels.




TAMISEMI official website is – https://www.tamisemi.go.tz/