Sassa Status Check For March 2024 – Track Your R350 Grant

Guide to Tracking Your R350 Grant Status in South Africa

Millions of jobless individuals in South Africa depend on the R350 grant every month to afford essential goods and services. By following a comprehensive guide, individuals can determine if they are set to receive the grant in March, enabling them to keep track of their application status.


Sassa Status Check

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and the R350 Grant

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has disclosed that a staggering number of people continue to apply for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, popularly known as the R350 grant. This financial aid is aimed at supporting unemployed South Africans.

An estimated 12 million individuals have submitted their applications online to Sassa, hoping to secure the R350 grant monthly. Although reapplication each month isn’t necessary, Sassa reassesses R350 grant applications regularly to confirm ongoing eligibility according to the R350 grant eligibility criteria.

Eligibility for the R350 Grant

To be eligible for the R350 grant, applicants must be unemployed residents of South Africa, including citizens, asylum seekers, special permit holders, and refugees. The age criteria require applicants to be between 18 and 59 years old. Those above 59 may apply for the Older Persons Grant, while individuals younger than 18 could qualify for the Child Support grant through Sassa.

Applicants must not be receiving any government support, such as other Sassa grants, benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), or funds from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). Additionally, they should not be residing in government-funded institutions.

A crucial eligibility criterion set by Sassa for the R350 grant is the income threshold. Applicants must not have a monthly income exceeding R624. Here, income refers to the amount present in an applicant’s bank account. Those with more than R624 in their account will have their grant application denied.

Eligible individuals can verify their payment status through a Sassa status check.

Tracking Your R350 Grant Application for March

For those eager to monitor their March R350 grant application status, visiting the Sassa R350 grant website and conducting a status check is advised.

How to Check Your March R350 Grant Status
  1. Navigate to the Sassa SRD grant website
  2. Click on the ‘South African ID Holders’ section, then the ‘click here to proceed’ tab
  3. Find the ‘Application status’ section for your SRD grant
  4. Select ‘Click here to check online’
  5. Enter your ID number and the phone number used during application, then hit ‘submit’
  6. View the SRD status of your R350 grant application
Understanding Your R350 Grant Status

An “approved” status signifies Sassa’s approval of your application, with the only remaining step being the receipt of an SMS notification about the payment’s availability for collection. An application marked “approved” without payment dates necessitates the submission of banking details.

A “pending” status indicates that Sassa is still reviewing your application. Certain statuses may require further actions, such as “bank details pending,” which calls for the provision of banking information to facilitate a means test.

An “IRP5 Registered” status suggests an income presence, leading to application denial. A “referred” status indicates either random selection for internal verification or an issue flagged by the South African Fraud Prevention Services (SAFPS), necessitating direct contact with SAFPS and subsequent proof submission to Sassa.

Appealing a Rejected R350 Grant Application

If you dispute Sassa’s decision to reject your application, you may lodge a R350 grant appeal with the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).

Submitting a R350 Grant Appeal for March
  1. Visit the ITSAA Website
  2. Input your Identification Number
  3. Provide the Cell Phone Number used during the application
  4. Click “Send Pin”
  5. Upon receiving the pin, enter it and click “Submit”
  6. Choose the month you’re appealing for
  7. Select your appeal reason from the provided options
  8. Finalize the appeal process by clicking “Submit”

ITSAA aims to process R350 grant appeals within 60 to 90 days. Applicants dissatisfied with ITSAA’s ruling can seek a judicial review from the High Court within 180 days.

For additional details on Sassa grants and the SRD grant, explore our Sassa section.