Rhodes University Fee Structure and Fee Guide

Rhodes University Fee Structure and Fee Guide

Rhodes University Fee Structure in the Different Departments of University for Postgraduate, undergraduate, diploma & certificates programmes. There are a range of costs associated with financing your studies at the Rhodes University, including fees and accommodation.

Fees are paid either annually or biannually depending on the programme. Along with an offer of admission, students will receive information on how and when to pay tuition, as well as term of payment.
Find out what options are available to help you pay for tuition and living expenses and how we can support you with funding, bursaries and advice.



Rhodes University Fee Structure and Costs

Web addr: http://www.ru.ac.za/studentfeesandfinancialaid/


There are two basic fees (tuition and residence) and some additional lesser fees (e.g. for handouts or special examination costs).


  1. Tuition fees for undergraduate degrees range from R33,162 to R59,052

    (refer section (B) for the exact fee for your selected degree)


  1. Residence fees range from R60,200 to R63,203 for undergraduate residences and R71 338 for postgraduate residence..

(refer section (E))




The payment options that are available follow but please note carefully the payment due dates if you wish to be accommodated in residence. Registration will not be permitted if none of the options below have been taken up.


The Initial Fee is required upfront and cannot be paid by payment arrangement unless you opt for a Debit Order.


SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENTS (excluding NSFAS and missing middle)

Option 1

Pay an Initial Fee Payment (roughly 10% of tuition fees and where applicable 25% of residence fees), by


The Initial Fee Payment:


Tuition only:                   R5,100.


Tuition and Residence:  R5,100 + R15,800 = R20,900.


The balance of fees to be paid as set out below;

Tuition             Residence

By Initial Fee Payment Due Date 18 Jan 2019                    10%                 25%               Paid

A further 25% of fee amount by 31 Mar 2019                   35%                 50%               Paid

A further 25% of fee amount by 30 Jun 2019                    60%                 75%               Paid

A further 25% of fee amount by 30 Sep 2019                   85%               100%               Paid

Any balance still outstanding     30 Nov 2019                 100%                                       Paid

Extras to be paid monthly per student fee statements.


Option 2

Make a direct deposit or internet transfer of the full tuition fee and, if applicable the full tuition and residence fee, prior to 18 January 2019. A 5% discount may be claimed in writing if you opt for this option. The discount cannot be applied to tuition or Residence fee separately they are considered the full fee when taken together.


Option 3

Arrange payment of the full fees by debit order with 11 monthly instalments from 1 February to

1 December. The debit order application form, obtainable from the Stu­dent Bureau, the Student Fees Office or on the Rhodes website under Studying, Fees and Financial Aid, must be completed and signed by the person whose bank account is to be debited and returned, together with all other documentation, to the Student Fees Office This may be done via email: [email protected] or fax: 046 603 7019.









This applies to all students who have been granted NSFAS funding

Option 1:

NSFAS students are not required to pay an Initial Fee Payment, however they must send an email to [email protected] by 18 January 2019 stating that they wish to be in residence in 2019. If no such confirmation is received the residence allocation will fall away.


However please note that those with an own contribution will need to settle as set out below:

By Initial Fee Payment Due date            18 Jan 2019          0%               Paid

35% of own contribution amount by       31 Mar 2019       35%               Paid

60% of own contribution amount by       30 Jun 2019        60%               Paid

85% of own contribution amount by       30 Sep 2019       85%               Paid

The outstanding balance by                    30 Nov 2019     100%               Paid

Extras to be paid monthly per student fee statements.


Option 2:

Make a direct deposit or internet transfer of the full own contribution prior to 18 January 2019. A 5% discount may be claimed in writing if fees are paid in full before due date of the 18 January 2019.


Option 3:

Arrange payment of the full  own contribution by debit order with 11 monthly instalments from 1 February to

1 December. The debit order application form, obtainable from the Stu­dent Bureau, the Student Fees Office or on the Rhodes website under Studying, Fees and Financial Aid, must be completed and signed by the person whose bank account is to be debited and returned, together with all other documentation, to the Student Fees Office by 11 January 2019. This may be done via email: [email protected] or fax : 046 603 7019. Incomplete applications will not be considered and the facility must be approved prior to 18 January 2019.





Option 1

New and returning international students will be required to pay 50% of their tuition and residence fees for the year, by 18 January 2019.

The balance of fees to be paid by the 31 May 2019.

Extra’s to be paid on receipt of student fee statements.


International Students Initial Fee Payment:


Tuition only                                                                   R24,750


Tuition and residence                                                    R56,350


Option 2

Make a direct deposit or internet transfer of the full tuition fee and, if applicable the full residence fee, prior to 18 January 2019. A 5% discount may be claimed in writing if you opt for this option.


Surcharge for International students (compulsory additional charge for all International students)


  Undergraduates: Postgraduates:
From SADC countries R9,950 R6,750
From Africa (excl. SADC) R12,700 R8,400
Elsewhere R14,370 R9,950


NOTE:  Master/Visa credit card facilities are available for all payments but no discounts may be claimed if this method of payment is used.






Due dates

If you do not take up one of the options mentioned above by the payment due date you will be regarded as a “no show” for residence purposes and your room will be allocated to a student on the waiting list. You will thus lose your place in residence and the University will have little chance of assisting you other than to suggest that you move into digs. If you have problems please contact us before 18 January 2019 as we will do whatever we can to assist you in retaining your place in residence but after that date there is little we can do.





  1. Banking details

Rhodes University Student Fees Account, First National Bank, Grahamstown branch:

Account number 62145504553 Branch code 210717

Please note: the deposit slip MUST show a reference number and this MUST be the student number.



  1. Penalty charge

Dishonoured cheques and/or debit orders will attract a fee of R195 per transaction.



  1. Cash Deposit Limits

Students are discouraged from making large cash deposits at the University Cashier. Cash deposits exceeding R5,000 must be made at the First National Bank, Grahamstown (branch code 21 07 17), account number 6214 550 4553. Please ensure that the student number (which is the only reference number to be used) is clearly visible as beneficiary reference on the deposit slip, which must be submitted to the Student Fees office, or faxed to (046) 603 7019/ Email: [email protected].



  1. Holders of recognised bursaries or scholar­ships including Rhodes University scholarships and merit awards may offset their bursary/scholarship against the liability for the Initial Fee Payment required prior to registration, but you must inform the University that you are doing so before 18 January 2019.



  1. Fee remissions, concessions and special ar­rangements (full-time students only)

Where a parent has more than one child at­tending the University at the same time, as full‑time students, an application may be made to the Director of Finance in the year in which it applies for a remission of 30% of the normal tuition fees for each child after the first. The Council may also make any conces­sion or special arrangement regarding the amount of fees paid by a student, or the pay­ment of fees, at its discretion.



  1.  Academic Merit Award Scheme (SA students only)

Special merit awards are automatically made by the University to eligible students enroll­ing for the first time for an undergraduate de­gree. The awards, ranging from R32 900 to Full tuition fee, are based on the final National Senior Certificate exami­nation results. The awards do not cover the DHET Fee Adjustment Grant so the grant should be applied for, if applicable. Should the student withdraw from Rhodes University during the academic year, the merit award will be reduced on a pro rata basis. In order to qualify for one of these awards a student would have to obtain at least 47 admission points in the National Senior Certificate examination. Please note that International Students are not eligible for merit awards.






7.       Holders of recognised scholarships/bursaries/ loans

Fees due to the University are a first charge on any scholarship, bursary or loan granted by the University, or paid to the University from other sources, for a student. If the total amount paid exceeds the fees pay­able, the student may draw the balance on condition that the Bursar has given written permission.­

Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that bursary donors make pay­ments timeously and in accordance with the University regulations. Students who hold full bursaries are reminded that they will require funds on arrival at the University for the purchasing of books etc., as it is not University policy to make loans or advances against bursaries prior to the funds being re­ceived.


  1. Oppidan fee (for clarity please refer http://www.ru.ac.za/oppidan/faq/)                                      

Note that there is a compulsory Oppidan fee of R300.00.


  1. Caution

Please ensure that payments made to the Uni­versity are done only by Direct Deposits or Internet Transfers to the University bank account. Payments made by way of cheques made payable to “Rhodes University” marked “Not transfer­able” will attract a clearance charge of R195 and are strongly discouraged. No responsibility is accepted for bank notes or other forms of remittances missing from letters addressed to the University or to members of the University using its address.


  1. External Loans

Please note it is the responsibility of students negotiating loans with financial or other institutions to en­sure that all payments are made to the Univer­sity by the dates specified above.

The Initial Fee Payment may NOT be reduced by virtue of a student having negotiated a loan with a financial or other institution.

Monies once paid into a student account will not be refunded unless all fees have been paid and a credit balance is reflected on the account irrespective of any bursaries held or meal refunds due to the student.


  1. Penalties for non‑compliance

The University will not issue certificates of any description to students whose fees are in arrears.


  1. Unpaid accounts

Unpaid accounts where no prior agreed arrangement has been made and met are subject to an interest charge at the rate of 0.75% per month on amounts in arrears.


  1. Payments made to students

Account refunds or payments to students will be made via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Credit balance refunds will only be made upon receipt of a written application from the person/organisation responsible for paying the account, supported by a certified copy of the bank account details into which the funds are to be deposited.


  1. Notice of withdrawal – deregistration from Rhodes as well as withdrawing from residence

All students, both postgraduate and undergraduate, or their parents or guardians must give notice of intention to discontinue attendance, in writing, to the Registrar. A separate letter requesting a refund of any monies due must be sent to the Director of Finance.

  • Any student who has registered for a course of study and who, for any reason leaves during the year is liable for a pro-rata fee up to the date of cancellation for tuition and or residence fees, the basis of calculation will be on 248 days for the year.
  • Any student who withdraws their application for tuition or residence, before registration will be liable for a cancellation fee of 10% if less than one month’s notice is given or 2.5% if longer.
  • In the case of an early withdrawal from Residence, for any reason, other than immediate family bereavement, medical illness or academic exclusion, a cancellation fee of two months Residence Fee will be levied over and above the fee calculation for the period of residence accommodation. A penalty will not be charged if a provisional residence booking is cancelled prior to the Initial Fee (IF) deadline of 18 January 2019.





In terms of Section 17 of the CPA it states;

“(3) a service provider may charge a reasonable fee for cancellation.

(4) regard must be had to the nature of the service, the length of notice to cancellation, the reasonable potential to find an alternative consumer (in our case this would be a student) and the general practice of the relevant industry (in our case, other universities)”




Block fees

The regulations of the various faculties pre­scribe the number of courses full‑time students are normally expected to take in each year of their curriculum.

Unless otherwise stated, the annual block fees include tuition fees for classes and laboratories, fees for ordinary University examinations and library fees for the normal number of courses. Full‑time students taking fewer than the nor­mal number of courses in any given year, will still be liable for the full block fee.




Additional courses

Subject to the regulations of the various Facult­ies, undergraduate students may take in any year one course more than the normal number prescribed for that year of their curriculum without extra charge. Full‑time postgraduate students may take in any year one undergradu­ate course free of charge, provided that they have obtained the prior approval of their head of department and of the Dean of the Faculty, and provided also that a postgraduate student in Law may take first year courses in any one language subject in any year without extra charge. The undergraduate course becomes payable separately once deregistered from full-time course.


Single course fees

Students doing one course towards their degree must be registered as full-time, but will be charged the single course fee.


Departmental and additional charges

These are for course materials, handouts, field trips, printing vouchers, etc. and are additional charges to the student fee account. These charges vary as they depend on the courses taken and options chosen in each year of study.


Societies: Charges to student accounts

These refer to subscriptions to societies to be charged to student accounts. No further subscriptions will be charged after 31 March of each academic year.


Cost of meals:

Meals for Oppidans (Students who live off-campus)

Meal options available are breakfast, lunch and supper on weekdays and weekends. The costs vary:

Breakfast                 R13.52                                      Lunch/Supper                        R36.38 (each)


Meals for residence students:

Breakfast                 R10.33                                      Lunch/Supper                        R24.34 (each)




Must be paid at the start of each semester for ordinary examinations written by students returning to write on extended DP certificates.

Students who fail to provide acceptable identification at examinations will be fined R300.00 per exam session.

                                       (A) GENERAL FEES    
New students- SA and International    
  2019 Fees
Application fee: up to 30 September  (SA and International applicants)   100
Tuition Acceptance Fee         (non- refundable)   800
Residence Acceptance Fee    (non-refundable )   1,000
Initial Fee Payments   see prior pages
Returning students –  SA and International    
Initial Fee Payments    see prior pages
Master’s Internship research: Psychology                                    3 316
PhD retrospective registration per year                                15 353
Late registration: not in attendance on prescribed date                                    1 478
Examination fees    
Special case examinations per course                                  1 167
Misreading examination timetable                                    4 568
Supplementary examinations    
  Per course or half course                                    1 167
  Per subsidiary course (PGCE)                                      318
Extended DP examinations  –  per course                                    1 167
                                             –  per half course                                      724
Extended DP Initial Fee Payment                                      638
Initial Fee Payment:  Special categories including upgrading NCP’s                                      638
Re-scrutiny see note 4                                  1 792
Copy of  Script                                      196
Other Penalties/Levies    
Foreign Drafts Levy/ Dishonored Cheques/ Unpaid Debit Order                                      195
Failure to produce ID at examinations/Cell phone ringing at exams                                      285




                                         (B) TUITION FEES PER ANNUM      
FULL-TIME BACHELORS DEGREES  –  see note 7      
  2019 Fees  
   BA (Please note: students not registered for BJourn who take Journ 2,3,or 4 courses will   be charged the BJourn degree fee)                         45 690  
BA Foundation Course : first two years per year  33 162  
   First three years per year  49 988  
   Fourth year    40 040  
BCom    49 988  
BCom Foundation Course: first two years per year  36 109  
BEcon    49 988  
BEd    45 631  
BFineArt see also other fees  45 690  
    BJourn (Please note: the equipment levy for students studying Journalism 2, 3, 4 & Diploma has been included in the Journalism tuition fee)  
  First year    45 690  
  Second year     (includes equipment levy)   53 611  
  Third year        (includes equipment levy)    57 640  
  Fourth year       (includes equipment levy)    59 052  
BMus : all years of study  (see also other fees) per year  48 392  
  First year           (includes handouts)    47 778  
  Second year      (includes handouts)    51 831  
  Third year         (includes handouts)    54 042  
  Fourth year       (includes handouts)    57 113  
BSc    47 532  
BSc Foundation Course: first two years per year  32 670  
BSc (Information Systems)    49 988  
BScD (Software Development)    49 988  
BSocSc    45 690  
BSocSc :  Foundation Course per year  33 162  
LLB    51 253  
PG Diploma in Business Analysis   45 000  
PG Diploma in International Studies    35 619  
PG Diploma in Enterprise Management    39 303  
DipAcc (PG) (Preliminary)  1, 2, 3 or more courses HDAP    48 392  
DipAcc (PG)   HDAC    50 234  
PG Diploma in Taxation    35 619  
PG Diploma English Language Teaching    35 619  
Diploma Fine Art    45 690  
PGCE    37 250  
PG Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies    57 640  
PG Diploma in Media Management    52 199  
BEd In-service per year  11 790  
PG Diploma in Business Analysis 75% 1st year 25% 2nd year 45 000  
PG Diploma in Enterprise Management per year  39 303  
PG Diploma English Lang Teaching per year  21 494  
PG Diploma in International Studies per year  21 494  
PG Diploma in Economics Journalism per year  16 458  
    PGDHE per year  18 055  
       PGCE per year  18 423  
Science (incl. Geography & Psychology)    18 178  
Final course in major or principal subjects    22 845  
Other (including Mathematics)    17 441  
Half courses (Two half courses = cost of 1 full course: not 2 x60%)    

    FULL-TIME HONOURS DEGREE –  see note 1

Science (includes Environmental Science), Pharmacy,   Psychology, Geography & Information Systems


      First year

   42 128  
  Additional years per year  17 564  
  First year    50 234  
  Additional years per year  17 584  
Journalism & Media Studies      
  First year    48 305  
  Additional years per year  17 564  
Financial Management      
  First year    35 619  
  Additional years per year  17 564  
  First year    34 513  
  Additional year per year  17 564  


Science (includes Environmental Science), Pharmacy, Psychology, Geography &            Information Systems per year

26 161


Accounting per year  33 162  
BEd (Hons) First two years per year  17 072  
                    Additional years per year  7 369  
BEd (Hons) Namibia per year  20 388  
Journalism & Media Studies per year  26 161  
Other Honours degrees per year

 19 406




MASTER’S DEGREES   –  Tuition and Supervision –see note 2

If a thesis is submitted before the end of June, a pro-rata fee may be levied.    
    2019 Fees  
All Faculties other than as specified below per year  22 968  
Bioinformatics per year  30 460  
Business Administration (MBA)      
MBA Full Time (Accelerated Program)      
   Registered in 2018    29 784  
   Registered in 2019    117 936  
MBA Part-time      
   Registered in 2017 & prior    29 784  
   Registered in 2018    58 968  
   Registered in 2019    58 968  
    Education ( incl. English Language Teaching in the depart. of English Language & Linguistics)  
Students Full Time:      
   First two years per year  15 721  
   Subsequent years per year  21 986  
Students Part Time:      
   First three years per year  11 914  
   Subsequent years per year  17 809  
   Namibia per year  25 670  
 Financial Markets   (including cost of Financial Exchange exams)      
     First year    47 776  
     Additional years per year  19 406  
    Journalism and Media Studies      
        Part Time – First two years per year  11 545  
       Third year  (thesis year)    7 984  
       Additional years per year  15 230  
    Psychology – Clinical/Counseling      
        First  year    22 968  
    Second year    8 598  
   Third year    15 721  
  Psychology – By Thesis only      
    Full Time per year  15 721  
    Part Time per year  8 106  




    First three years per year  27 266  
    Additional years per year  33 653  
      2019 fees
  MSc (Environmental Biotechnology)    
      First year of registration    57 538
      Additional years per year  33 653
  MSc (Expl/Econ part-time)    
       Module per module  7 984
       Field courses per field trip  15 353
       Attendance of modules for non-degree purposes per week  9 519
       Students not in attendance per year of registration  5 527
       Thesis supervision and laboratory fees per year of registration  7 984
        Equipment Levy per annum  307
  MSc (Economic Geology – full time)    
         Students completing degree in one year    15 967
         Field courses per field trip  15 353
        Thesis supervision and laboratory fees per year of registration  7 984


If a thesis is submitted before the end of June, a pro-rata fee may be levied.  
Tuition, supervision and examination fees –  see note 2    
All Faculties other than Education per year  22 968
  Students Full Time :    
     First three years per year  15 721
     Subsequent years per year  21 986
  Students Part Time:    
     First three years per year  11 914
     Subsequent years per year  17 809
     Namibia per year  25 702
PHD in Psychotherapy   12 159
DOCTOR OF PHARMACY (Pharm D)    52 445
Examination fee.  ( No other fees are payable )    22 968
AD EUNDEM GRADUM CANDIDATES    As for Master’s degrees above  







  2019 Fees
16a Prince Alfred Street
Adamson House
Adamson House Doubles
Adelaide Tambo House
Amina Cachalia House
Calata House
Canterbury Annex
Canterbury Annex Doubles
Canterbury House
Canterbury House Doubles
Cullen Bowles House
Ellen Kuzwayo
Helen Joseph Annex Doubles
Helen Joseph House
Joe Slovo House
New House
New House Annex 1 Dble
New House Annex 4
New House Annex 4 Double
Prince Alfred House
Rosa Parks House
Salisbury House
Salisbury House Doubles
Sisulu House
Stanley Kidd Doubles
Stanley Kidd House
Truro House
Winchester House


Allan Gray House
Allan Gray House Doubles
Atherstone House
Atherstone House Doubles
Beit Flat
Beit House
Botha House
Botha House Doubles
Centenary House
Chris Hani House
College House
College House Doubles
Cory House
De Beers House
De Beers House Doubles
Dingemans House
Founders Annex
Goldfields House
Goldfields House Doubles
Graham House
Guy Butler House
Hobson House
Hobson House Doubles
Jameson House
Jameson House Doubles
John Kotze House
LB Annex Doubles
LB Annex Single
Lilian Britten Doubles
Lilian Britten House
Livingstone House
Margaret Smith House
Matthews House
31 South Street
Milner House
Milner House Doubles
Olive Schreiner House
Olive Schreiner House Doubles


Oriel Annex Doubles
Oriel Annexe
Oriel House
Oriel House Doubles
PG Holding Residence
Phelps House
Piet Retief House

Milner House Annex Dbls

Robert Sobukwe House
Robert Sobukwe House Doubles
Ruth First House
Thomas Pringle House
Victoria Mxenge House
Walker House


Gavin Reily Postgraduate Village (Self catering accommodation)
   Single room without air-conditioning    53 065
   Single room with air-conditioning    56 695
Celeste, Oakdene , 5 Gilbert Str and 6 Gilbert Str, JK Annexe ,Gilbert Str PG Units 71 338
Residence fees during vacations:   118   
   April  recess: (Inc. meals) per day  118
   Early arrivals or late departures: (Inc. meals) per day  56
Loss of room key    219
Failure to return room key : the end of  2nd and 4th terms    120
Loss of cupboard key    432
Additional length bed    118




  1. Residence fees differ because some residences have better facilities and/or are desirably located.


  1. Students’ accommodation is based on single rooms. Adjustments are made in fees where students change residences. All residence fees are levied at the full rate for a single room in the appropriate residence at the beginning of the year. Where, for University convenience, students are permitted to share accommodation a 25% discount of the lodging fees may be claimed by the student for the period that the room was shared and per term. Application for the rebate must be made to the Administrative Assistant: Student Accommodation in the Residential Operations Division at the end of each term. Claims for rebate which have not been lodged by the end of the following term will be disallowed. For the purpose of discounts and adjustments the residence year is taken as 248 days (PG Residences 340 days). A student does not have the right to claim an allowance for sharing a room where single accommodation in the residence is available.


  1. No charge is made for linen supplied or for laundry services. Students must provide their own towels and toilet soap.


  1. No deduction is made from residence fees if a student is away from residence because of illness, or for any other reason, other than where the prescribed course of study required such absence. (certificates to this effect must be obtained from the relevant academic Head of Department and submitted to the Residential Operations Division).


  1. Unbooked meals will be refunded to students’ fee accounts at the end of each semester. Refunds will be limited to a maximum of R2,124 per semester for those in undergraduate residences and R3010.00 per semester for those in postgraduate residences.


  1. Accommodation for students in undergraduate residences is available for a specific fee during the April vacation periods. No vacation accommodation is offered during the mid-year recess or the December/January period.


  1. Students who have withdrawn from residence must vacate their rooms within 24 hours of having given such notification to the University.


Residence fee remissions

Applications for residence fee remissions must be made to the Deputy Director: Residential Operations. Residence fee remissions will only be considered in cases of family emergencies (e.g.: immediate family bereavement, illness of student, etc.).






                                        (D) MISCELLANEOUS FEES    
Exemptions :         Per course   651
                              Per half course   356
Certificates     see note 6    
    Certified statements of course on application: Pre-1982   404
    Replacement degree or diploma certificate   687
    Amended degree parchment   687
Supporting transcript documentation- Fee on application to Academic Administration  
Student identity and meal cards   198
Dallas Chip   104
Printing vouchers (optional) see note 3  
    Photocopying vouchers (optional) see note 3  
    Off-campus Student Network access see note 9 380
    IT consumables such as  USB flash sticks and external harddrives see note 8  
    Financial Mail Subscription (for Economics Students) per year To be advised
    Visiting Research Students                                                          per year 2 162
                                                                                                                 per semester 1 093
                                                                                                                   per term 564
Additional music instruction    
    Registered music students taking instruction beyond that required by regulation 7 725
All students not registered: music degree/diploma   10 489
Occasional students per course      as for single course fees
Continuing education and casual students per course   4 494


















    NOTE: These charges are provisional only and may be revised during the year. However, charges for handouts (as determined) are compulsory   
   Accounting 101, 102 & 112 per semester 32  
   Accounting 2   105  
   Accounting 3      153  
Auditing 3
Introduction to Professional Accounting (1 Semester) per semester 68  
Introduction to Taxation (1 Semester) per semester 247  
Principles of Professional Accountancy   316  
Management Accounting and Finance 3   184  
Taxation 3   269  
Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy   1,580  
Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation   737  
Acc Honours (Financial Accounting)   1,580  




isiXhosa 1 (MT & NMT)

isiXhosa II and   III (MT & NMT) each 369  
Honours & Field Trips   369  
Honours (Joint)   190  
Masters   137  



Afrikaans I & Nederlands I   232  
Afrikaans & Nederlands II and III each 284  
Afrikaans & Nederlands  Honours   221  
Afrikaans & Nederlands  Honours  (Joint)   200  
Modern Fiction   253  



Anthropology I & II – hand outs each 284  
Anthropology III – Fieldtrips and hand outs each 284  
Anthropology  Honours – Fieldtrips and hand outs   284  



Biochemistry 2  Course Material each 116  
Biochemistry  3 Course Material   126  
Biochemistry 2 and 3 Locker Fee each 463  
Biochemistry  3  Field Trip   116  
Biochemistry Honours :Course material   116  



Biotechnology Honours :Course materials   190  



Botany 102 (BOT102) second semester only 137
Botany 1 field trip second semester only 737
Botany  201, 202, 301 and 302 each  per semester 137
Botany 2 pracs and field trip per semester 853
Botany 3 pracs and field trip per annum 853
Botany Honours (includes a field trip) per annum 1,706



Chemistry 101,102 each  per semester 337
Chemistry 201,301,202,302   358



PhD   674
PGDHE   570



Chinese 1 and 2 and 3 per annum 695
Chinese for Specific Purposes(course materials, textbooks) per annum 358
Chinese Studies Honours per annum 242



Classics 101 and 102 per annum 347
Classics 201 and 202 per annum 284
Classics 301 and 302 per annum 284
Classics  Honours per annum 200
Classics  Honours(Greek/Latin) per annum 200
Classics  Honours ( Joint) per annum 116
Classics  Masters per annum 116
Greek 101 and 102 per annum 95
Greek 2 per annum 158
Greek 3 per annum 211
Latin 101 per annum 158
Latin 102 per annum 84
Latin 2 per annum 158
Latin 3 per annum 211












Introduction to ICT each 53
Computer Science 101 each 190

Computer Science 102

each 84

Computer Science 112

each 53
Computer Science 201 per semester 369
Computer Science 202 per semester 147
Computer Science 301 per semester 168
Computer Science 302 per semester 84
Computer Science Honours   263
Computer Science Coursework Masters per year 5 265
Computer Science Thesis Masters per year 1 053
Levy: Computer usage    
          Introduction to ICT per semester 221
          Computer Science 112 per semester 221
          First year (Main stream) per semester 279
          Second year per semester 380
          Third year per semester 505
          Honours (100% and 60%) per annum 1 121



All courses:    
          Course Material each 101
          Theatre instruction and equipment each 933



Economics 101 and 102 each per semester 147
Economics 201 and 202 each per semester 84
Economics 312,313,314,315,316,317,318 each per semester 47
Economics Honours  full per annum 600
Economics Honours Joint per annum 400
Economics 4 (BBS) per annum 600
Economics (BBS) Joint per annum 400
Masters in Financial Markets: Coursework per annum 358
    Masters in Financial Markets : Thesis per annum 168
    Masters by  research thesis per annum 168


 EDUCATION( incl. Printed materials, Dalro royalties, field trips and printing costs  for electronic submitted material )

PGCE (FP/IP)   1 600
PGCE (SP/FET)   1 600
BEd  (FP) 1st year   1 800
BEd  (FP) 2nd year   1 500
BEd  (FP) 3rd year   1 500
BEd  (FP) 4th year   1 500
BEd  (IP ) per year x 2 years 1 500
BEd  (ICT, LO, Science)   1 000
MEd (full supported Thesis or Coursework) Full amount Year 1, ½ amount additional years 1 425
MEd (full supported Thesis or Coursework)  – Additional years each 712
MEd (Namibia) Year 1 1,920
MEd (Namibia) Year 2 1 100
Full Thesis (Other) Full amount Year 1, ½ amount additional years 1 000
Full Thesis (Other) – Additional years each 500
BEd (Hons) Namibia   1,780
BEd (Hons) Ght Foundation Course   1,950
BEd (Hons) Ght elective courses for 2015 only 1 080
PhD   700
PhD (Namibia)   1 920


   ENGLISH    (incl. supplementary readings, study guides etc and Dalro fees where applicable)

English I

 per annum 300

English II and III

each per annum 216

English Honours

per annum 375
Karoo Trip – Honours per annum 1 410


ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS                                    

English Language & Linguistics 1 per annum 432
English Language & Linguistics 2 per annum 337
English Language & Linguistics 3 per annum 337
Applied English Studies 2 per annum 143
Applied English Studies 3 per annum 179
English Language Teaching Honours (P-T) per annum 74
English Language and Linguistics Honours (Jnt) per annum 74
English Language and Linguistics Masters per annum 116
Linguistics and English Masters per annum 116
Linguistics & Applied Language Studies Honours per annum 116
Postgraduate Diploma in ELT per annum 116
Coursework Masters per annum 116
Professional Communications per annum 190



Environment Science 201 and 202 each 190

Environment Science 2nd yr: Field Trips

each 579

Environment Science 301 and 302

each 190
Environment Science 3rd yr: Field Work/ Trip each 579
Environmental Science Honours each 400
Environmental Science Honours :Field Trip each 2 633
Environmental Science Honours :EIA Course   1 706



Science          (Handouts, Field trip & Lab expenses, computer skills)   569
Humanities    (Handouts, Field trip & Lab expenses, computer skills)   347
Commerce    (Handouts, Field trip & Lab expenses, computer skills)   347


FINE ART      : Material Costs                                                        

    Please NOTE that these are average costs, as costs vary from student to student
Fine Art Practice 1 and 2   3 686
Fine Art Practice 3 varies 3 685 – 6 844
Fine Art Practice  4 varies 3 685 – 8 950
Art History & Visual Culture 1- 4 each 105



French 1P each 369
French  1,2, 3 each 305
French Honours Joint   190
French Honours Full – time   369


 GEOGRAPHY    ( includes course material and non-residential field trips ) 

Earth Science   101 1st semester 126

Geography 102

2nd semester 105
Geography 201, 202 each per semester 158
Geography 301 1st semester 158
Geography 302 2nd semester 263
Geography Honours per module 305
Geography Enviro Water Man Hons per module 305
Geography Spatial Development Honours per module 305
Full Time Masters and PhD   305
    Field Courses : (this amount is an average – destination, transport and available accommodation dependent)
                            Geography 201/202   621
                            Geography 301   527
                            Geography 302   621
                            Geography Honours per module where appropriate 737
                            Geography Honours Students’ Conference   906
                           Geography Honours Introductory Field Trip   853



    Earth Science 101 per module 126
    Course Material:    
                            GLG 102 per semester 168
                            GLG 201, 202 each  per semester 168
                            GLG 301, 302 each   per semester 168
                            Geology Honours per annum 411
Field Courses   :    
                             GLG 102 per annum 305
                             GLG 2 per annum 1 253
                             GLG 3 per annum 1 358
                             Geology Honours per annum 2 211
Equipment Levy:    
                           GLG 201,202 each per semester 28
                           GLG 301,302 each per semester 34
                           Geology Honours per annum 337
                           Research MSc/PhD each per annum 505



German 1, 2 & 3 (Foreign Language) each 295
German Honours   147
German Masters   126



History 101, 102 each 95
History 201, 202 each 95
History 3 per semester 95



HKE 1 & 2  per annum 242
HKE 3 per annum 316
Honours : manuals, handouts and field trips per annum 653



Ichthyology 2:    
      Course Materials and Practical’s per semester 158
      Field Trip per annum 790
Ichthyology 3:    
     Course Materials  and Practical’s per semester 158
     Field Trip per annum 906
Icthyology Honours    
     Course Materials per annum 442
     Field Trips per annum 5 917 – 8 424


  INFORMATION SYSTEMS ( includes handout and copyright charges) 

Information Systems     201   per semester 95
                                      202 per semester 21
                                      203 per semester 21
                                      203 Textbook per semester 527
                                      301 per semester 105
                                      302 per semester 74
Information Systems     Honours : 100% and 60% per year 126
                                      Honours :   40% per year 84
                                      Startup week per year 527
Information Systems     Masters per year 105
(A Dalro fee not in excess of R210.00 may be charged per course)    
Levy: Computer usage    
                                      First year See Computer Science  
                                      Second year per semester 337
                                      Third year per semester 505
                                      Honours  100% and 60% per annum 1 121



Handouts and Dalro :    
                                   JMS 1   50
                                   JMS 2   150
                                   JMS 3   200
                                   JMS 4   700
                                   PGDip   100
                                   Hons   450
                                   MA (Year 1)   1,000
                                   MA Production (Year 1)   500
                                   MA Digital (Year 1)   500
PDMM:Course Materials, Readers &  Handouts   3 000
                             JMS  (1st Year of study)   253
                                 JMS 2   2 058
                                 JMS 3   4 116
                                 JMS 4   4 762
                                 PGDip   4 116
                                 Honors   2 058
                             Masters (1st Year of study)   1 556
Consumables       :    
                             JMS 1   100
                             JMS 2   50
                             JMS 3 each 530
                             JMS 4   570
                             PGDip   572
                             Honours each 100
                             Masters   300



JMS 4 Studio Fees, Fieldtrips, Documentary Project, Prof Printing & Exhibition Expenses :

     Fieldtrips Per fieldtrip 3 000
     PhotoJournalism Studio Fees Per Student 1 000
     Exhibition expenses Per Student 600
     Television Documentary Project Expenses Per Student 2 000
     Design Professional Printing Expenses Per Student 1 000



LLB Students only : This is a charge per degree and these students will not be charged for the individual law courses
LLB-N2   812
LLB-N3   1 148
LLB-N4   1 116
Introduction to Law   110
Foundations of Law   116
Legal Interpretation   25
Constitutional Law A   49
Constitutional Law B   25
Customary Law   61
Law of Contract A   25
Law of Persons   18
Law of Property A   13
Law of Contract B   18
Law of Life Partnerships   43
Law of Property B   18
COL 101   61
COL 102   13
COL 201 & COL 202   61


MANAGEMENT    ( includes handouts and DALRO royalties )

Management 101, 102 each per semester 116
Management 211 once off 400
Management 212, 213 and 214 each per term 116
Management 311 once off 453
Management  312, 313 and  314 each per term 168
BBS 4 / Honours – Papers 1 – 6 each per term 790
BBS 4 / Honours – Paper 7 once off 1 759
Masters ( by research thesis) once off 2 043



Mathematics 1C1,1C2,1S   84
Mathematics 1L per annum 168

Mathematics & Applied Mathematics MAM 201

first semester 84

Mathematics & Applied Mathematics MAM 202

second semester 84

M313, M314, AM313, AM314

first semester 42

M311, M312, AM311, AM312

second semester 42



Microbiology 2 Course Material per annum 116
Microbiology 3  Course Material per annum 179
Microbiology 2 & 3 Locker fee   463
Microbiology 2 Field Trip   769
Microbiology 3 Field Trip   116
    Microbiology Honours Course Material 116


    MUSIC & MUSICOLOGY ( includes course materials and use of equipment)

History & Appreciation of Music per annum 337
Music 1 per annum 400
MCH: 1 Jazz per annum 400
Ethnomusicology 101 1st semester only 400
Ethnomusicology 102 2nd semester only 400
Instrumental Music Studies 1 per annum 569
Sound Technology per annum 400
Instrumental Music Studies 2 & 3 per annum 569
Music  2 & 3 per annum 400
MCH: 2 Jazz per annum 400
Ethnomusicology 2 & 3 per annum 569
Music 4 per annum 537
Music & Musicology Honours per annum 569
Music & Musicology Honours Joint per annum 569
Music Masters by Performance per annum 537
Music Master’s Thesis per annum 537
Music, Health and the Brain 2nd semester only 537



Introduction to Philosophy each 158
Philosophy 2 each 400
Philosophy 3 each 1 000
Honours each 1 590
Joint Honours per paper 411



Physics 101, 102,1E1 and 1E2 each 158
Physics 201and 202 each 179
Physics 301 and 302 each 200
Physics  Honours per annum 379


    POLITICAL & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (incl. course material, handouts, DALRO and photocopying)

Political and International Studies One annually 342
Political and International Studies Two   137
Political and International Studies Three   168
Diploma per course 126
Honours per course 126
Joint Honours per course 126
Masters per course 126
PhD (Resident only)   895



Psychology 1   100
Psychology 2   263
Psychology 3   263
Organisational Psychology 2   263
Organisational Psychology 3   263
Psychology Honours   579
Clinical Psychology Professional fee   2 633
Clinical Psychology Resale   1 580
Masters in Research Psychology   158
Counseling Master’s Resale Fee   1 580
Counseling Master’s Professional Fee   2 633
PhD by Thesis   158



       Sociology 1 ,2 & 3   500
       Industrial Sociology 2 & 3 each 500
       Honours  and Masters per course 250



Theory of Finance , Statistics 1 D and Statistics 101 each 305
Statistics 102   74
   Mathematical Statistics 201, 202 each per semester 74
       Mathematical Statistics 301, 302 each per semester 158
Mathematical Statistics Honours /Masters   505



Cell Biology Handouts 1st semester 137
Zoology 101 Handouts 2nd semester 105
Lab Class Materials: Zoo 101; Zoo 301 Per semester 263
Zoology 101 E-Text Book 2nd semester 421
Zoology Handouts 200, 300 each per semester 158
Zoology 201 E-Text Book 1st semester 421
Entomology 201, 202, 301, 302 each per semester 158
Honours : African Vertebrate Biodiversity, Ento, Marine Biology&Zoo each 91
Field Trips : All Honours   2 106
Field Trips:  Zoology 201,202 per semester 305
Field Trips: Zoology 301, 302 per semester 674
Field Trips: Entomology 201, 301 per semester 611
Field Trips: Entomology 202 per semester 674
Field Trips: Entomology 302 per semester 305
Collecting kit & drawing paper : Entomology 200 per annum 474
Practical requirements : Entomology 300 per annum 116




  1. Candidates for Honours degrees may attend an introductory language course without extra charge.


  1. (i) Registration and tuition fees must be paid even if candidates in a particular year make no call on their supervisor’s time.

(ii) The minimum period of study for a Master’s degree is two years after a Bachelors degree (if permitted) or one year after an Honours degree.

(iii)  The minimum period of study for a PhD degree is three years after an Honours degree or two years after a Master’s   degree.

(iv) A pro-rata fee will be applied upon registration of Masters and PhD students


  1. Laboratory credits to printing accounts and photocopying credits will be charged against student accounts on completion, by the student ,of a voucher. The charges will be in multiples of R50 and R100. The cost of printing 1 A4 black and white page is 45c in 2019.


  1. The fee is refundable if re-examination changes the classification of the result to the student’s advantage.


  1. Degree certificates are handed to candidates when they graduate, or posted as soon as possible after the graduation ceremony to those graduating in absentia. Other certificates are posted to candidates as soon as possible after the results are issued. A duplicate certificate is issued on production of an affidavit or the damaged original certificate. An amended degree parchment: issued as a result of student error or negligence in providing information such as the spelling of names, etc.


  1. An invigilation fee per paper may also be payable.


  1. Undergraduate students registering for the second semester will be charged 50% of the annual fee.


  1. IT consumables such as USB flash sticks and external hard drives etc are available from the IT Shop. Please see https://www.ru.ac.za/informationtechnology/itshop/ for pricing and more information.


  1. Applies when connecting to the Student Network from one of the private flat complexes in town where such access is available. See http://www.ru.ac.za/studnet for details.

For More information please refer Rhodes University website.