Prestige Academy  Online Application, Courses, Prospectus, Contacts

Check the Prestige Academy  Online Application, Courses offered, Prospectus, Contacts Details, fee structure, admission process, application form and More. Make sure that you read the whole guide because we have taken into account all information on Prestige Academy  for the best tips for you! You don’t have to wait . Keep visiting this page and you’ll get latest information about Prestige Academy  Updates.





Prestige Academy 

Prestige Academy endeavours to be known as a leader in private higher education, and an institution of excellence in vocational education throughout South Africa, across the African continent and beyond.

DHET Registered: Yes
Level of Rewards: Degrees, Diplomas, Higher Certificates
Fields of Interest: Business Management, Arts, Marketing, Events Management, Tourism, 3D Design, Graphic Web Design, IT, Photography, Design, Film and TV Makeup
Type of Learning: Face-to-Face
Contact Number: 021 949 5036
Web Address:






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