CPU College Courses offered:
Undergraduate Programs
TVET Programs (Levels I – IV)
CPU College has been engaged in teaching and training areas notably in business and IT fields for over 24 years. It offers graduate, undergraduate and TVET programs. In addition to the current short-term training programs, CPU College through its Advanced and Professional Trainings and capacity building division wishes to introduce to you our new programs and invite you to train with us in various fields.
CPU aims to advance research, knowledge and expertise development within the industry in Ethiopia and beyond. This is delivered through innovative training modes designed to suit our clients needs. Our training modes include but not limited to; institute-based short-term courses; training workshops and tailored institutional courses. The trainings blend both theory and practical sessions. Our training courses include the following among others.
Advanced and Professional Short- term Trainings
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
– Statistical Packages (SPSS, STATA)
– Research Methods for Software Application
– Leadership Skills Development
– Tax System in Ethiopia & Tax Laws
CPU College Fees Structure
The costs for specific programs have been uploaded at the university’s website alongside the course’s details. The site is updated and provides CPU College Fee Structure.