Tanzania NECTA ACSEE Results 2024/2025 (NECTA.go.tz)

Get your Matokeo ya kidato cha sita 2024/2025 | NECTA ACSEE Results 2024/2025 in Tanzania. Check Up ACSEE result 2024/2025 school wise & by name with details.


The Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) is conducted by National Council of Examinations of Tanzania (NECTA). In this article, you can check your ACSEE result 2024/2025 for all classes in Tanzania. You can search your result roll no. wise or name wise whatever you want. You can also navigate using the Link given below to check your ACSEE result 2024/2025. The result is something that always scares the students, and if it is a ACSEE exam result, then I am sure you must be sweating out there. But whatever the result be, you must stay calm.



All the students who appeared for ACSEE exams this year, they can check their NECTA Form six Results 2024/2025 by using link below. Please note that the official result page of ACSEE, may take time to load. Therefore, students are requested to be patient.


Check the ACSEE Results

To get access to the ACSEE exam results, students need to enter their unique identification number and index number. ACSEE Results 2024 includes the marks obtained by a student along with total marks, division and grades. Students of ACSEE check their results at the official NECTA website necta.go.tz. Read the complete article to know the ACSEE result date, steps to check the result and other details.


The ACSEE Exam was conducted by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA). Students who appeared for the ACSEE exam they can get their ACSEE result name wise and roll no wise or by index number. This year NECTA conducted the ACSEE exam at different schools across all over country successfully. Now NECTA will publish the ACSEE result after two months of the exam.


Check ACSEE exam results and take print out for future reference by clicking below links.

How to Check NECTA ACSEE Result 2024/2025

  1. Click on the button given below.
  2. A new tab will open in your browser which will be the official result page of result.
  3. Your result will be displayed to you
  4. Check your names

All the students are requested to have patience as the result page may take time to load due to slow server speed.


Best of luck for your ACSEE result 2024/2025!